Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oranger than Orange

I like lots of orange foods. Peppers, carrots, oranges, squash…cheezies. I have a true love/hate relationship with the humble cheezie. I can't resist, I'm a moth to the bright orange flame.

My husband did the shopping this weekend. He came home with a bag. I never buy them because I know I am weak. I made him promise to keep them out of my sight and to not, under any circumstances, let me eat them. I lasted 36 hours. Then I found them, and I did more than just take their picture. Now I feel guilty and kind of radioactive. Guilty that I just ate something brighter than a fluorescent lightbulb and that is not exactly food. Also that I have no willpower to avoid such flagrantly processed foods.

My New Years resolution in 2005 was to not eat any fluorescent foods or any potato chips. Granted I was pregnant at the time and wasn't really able to eat much regardless. My resolution lasted until I gave birth and then I was so hungry from nursing I would tuck into just about anything. Having fallen quite squarely off the wagon for a long time, I think it might be time to consider taking up this resolution again. The chip part too. (Inner voice: “Oh gawd...what am I getting myself into?”) Okay, I’ve put it out there in cyberspace, so I guess I’ll have to stick with it. My husband is going to get a good deal of mileage out of torturing me with this one I reckon.

And just in case you were wondering, no, I’m not pregnant.


  1. Swear off cheezies? Are you NUTS? Good luck sista!

  2. As a kid my favourite thing to do was to read and eat cheezies....yes they did exist back then!! Aren't they the fifth food group??
