Batter Blaster is an aerosol can of pancake/waffle batter. Seriously, it exists and it's organic. I thought it was a joke, but apparently it's not. It's been profiled on Regis and Kelly and is apparently carried by Loblaws, Sobey's and Metro (though I've never actually seen it in real life). My husband forwarded me the website ( when he stumbled across a magazine ad and thought it was just too funny to pass up. Unfortunately, alot of people must not get the joke. Over 3 million cans were sold in 2008. It's marketed to "make breakfast a blast", and as a healthy, mess-free breakfast. While the ingredients are organic, there is nothing natural about a food you spray from a can.
This is where things break down a bit in the whole organics industry. I've been weighing the arguments for and against corporate organics (lower cost, more marketing power, greater efficiency VS. circumventing the "spirit" of organic agriculture, redefining the rules of what is considered organic, and continuing to promote processed foods). Batter Blaster makes me wonder what organic food will look like in 5 years. And it makes me wonder why we ever bothered with organic waffles.
Our family has recently switched to making our own organic pancakes (without aerosols) and then freezing them to be heated up for quick breakfasts later in the week. It works and doesn't take much time. In fact, I'm quite sure it's less than if we sprayed them into the pan.
Hmm, I had a similar experience with organic macaroni & cheese in a box. It was the same as the usual KD, but had "organic" all over it and was 2 or 3x the KD price. Of course I was suckered into it. I thought it would release me of the guilt I felt about feeding the kids KD for dinner when I was too busy to make something more nutritious. It was whole wheat pasta which was good, but still came with the same packet of yellow powdery stuff that you just add milk and suddenly have ?cheese?.
ReplyDeleteThe final test was whether it was eaten - it was so so accepted. Matt however refused to touch it and was almost offended by it.
I too have been suckered by that one. And the organic chocolate chip cookies...I guess it's better than non-organic, but still, something doesn't sit quite right.