It's growing!!! Above you can see my tomato plant collection, the experimental "self watering" container system, trellised peas and beans, and my earliest crop - spring onions and garlic grown on my deck (more successfully than in the ground surprisingly)
We've been eating lots of green onions this spring already. Chives and mint from the garden made their way to my salad last night. My spinach is just teeny tiny, so I'm supplementing with some hearty garden centre plants. I forgot to plant kale, so I'm doing the same with that. And I had the nice surprise of finding some sturdy looking baby bok choy plants yesterday which I will also plant this weekend. My indoor spring grow-op has yielded some presentable tomato plants which go into the ground this weekend.
I did get around to building my "self contained garden boxes", which are homemade versions of the commercial EarthBox™. They were reasonably easy, though not quite as cheap as I had hoped. I planted some cucumber seedlings in them which just sat and sat without really growing, so they have been replaced with tomatoes and peas. Hopefully my earthbox luck improves.
We'll be heading over to my pseudo allotment garden at my parents' place this weekend to check the progress and plant the tomatoes.
My dad warns me that his next door neighbour's garden is suffering from some sort of weird blight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's not spreading, since it is only separated from "my" garden by chain link. Geez, imagine if this was your livelihood. Gotta hand it to farmers. They work hard, and face financial risk and ruin if they encounter bad weather, drought, blights or infestations. Makes me think of the bumper sticker "Eat today? Thank a farmer."
I'm glad to get the update...I was missing your posts! Good work!