My university "sister", travel companion, bridesmaid, and confidante of many years was killed in a car accident last week. She was driving to the Yukon on a spur of the moment roadtrip, that's the kind of girl she was. She was 35 years old.
It is only in retrospect that I realize how many opportunities I missed to spend time with her, to send her a long email, or to find an hour for a real phone conversation. These are regrets I will carry with me. Rosie lived up to her name, she was always generous with her time and her affection. She was open, honest, and totally without guile. There are many lessons that I can draw from her examples, and I will try my best to live up to the honour of being her friend by working on these qualities.
Rosie's tragedy has made me ask myself (among other more common questions you ask in these times) why I have found time to peel and seed 53 pounds of tomatoes when I haven't had time to pick up the phone. It makes me question some of my priorities. Does good food trump good friends? Would I be a better mother if I was playing Snakes and Ladders with my kids instead of making them natural ice cream?
I guess the best compromise is to combine the two. Involve the kids in making ice cream, and invite friends to eat tomato sauce together.
aw. Yeah, even after having a week to digest the news, it's regret that's my biggest emotion. I'll come eat tomato sauce (and ice cream) any time!