I didn't post throughout the summer, but it doesn't mean that I my garden doesn't make me feel like a proud mama to some baby garlic! Here's the season in review:

This was April...starting from seed. The kids did some watering and planting. But they also upended a whole tray a week later. So much for my careful labeling of the different varieties!

The garden in June...garlic was up nice and early in the season and made it feel like a real garden as soon as the snow melted! Though they are smiling, I think I was more excited about the bean teepee than the kids were!

July filled things in a bit...lots of kale (the nasturtiums and marigolds seemed to help keep the aphids away this year), way too much chard to possibly eat, beans, peas, spinach, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, unusual "banana legs" tomatoes, cucumbers, purple peppers, jalapenos, beets, dill, a few carrots, a failed zucchini (who can KILL zucchini you ask?), and a nice round pumpkin!

The biggest hit of this year was the addition of my garlic patch. You can read back about the planting part from last October here, but really, all that matters is that the results were AWESOME and so easy. We ate the "scapes" in June...

...and harvested 60 heads at the end of July. It was the juciest, tastiest garlic I'd even tried! I ate some right away and was advised that it was starting to smell, then I used some of the garlic to make 2 bushels worth of dill pickles (not my best batch, but I'll leave that for another day), and the rest is hanging in my basement keeping the vampires away.

Other than garlic this *could* have been my favorite harvest. These are my shiitake mushrooms. Dead easy, and delicious if you don't forget about them in the oven when you're drying them. Ahem.
Finally, our pumpkin!
I just don't know how you get it all done...good for you.