"Serenity Now SerenityNow SERENITYNOW".... Remember that one from Mr. Costanza on Seinfeld? I think I might benefit from that chant this week. Both serenity and simplicity are evading me. Mostly it's just your garden variety life/work/parenting balance. But it all began with cracking my head in my kitchen while putting on my boots. Since then, work has been piling up. I blame my lack of productivity on my embarrassingly acquired concussion. All I really want to do is stay late at work and catch up. Or go in early. Or think clearly. But I continue to be foiled. Today, my early start was hampered by a 25 minute stop by the police complete with a $110 illegal left turn fine. Tuesday my workday was rudely interrupted about 30 mins after it started by a call to pick up my daughter from daycare. She had some emergency phantom fever that disappeared exactly 3 minutes after getting home - but she couldn't return for 48 hours. More time off work to fall behind. My son's daycare is closing early on Monday, and staying closed the remainder of the week. Today I got out of my car at work and noticed my son's boots in the backseat. That means I delivered him to daycare without shoes or boots. My hot water tank is on the fritz so my shower was chilly. Shall I go on?
Despite this, today I still managed to feed my kids an organic breakfast (even if it was waffles and maple syrup), and cooked a healthy vegetarian dinner. But then I sent hubby and kids to McDonald's to get industrial ice cream so I could have some serenity. And so it goes.
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