Don't worry Baby Jaguar, even if you're painted with toxic paint, you can still come to Canada. No one's passing any laws here.
A couple of weeks ago I joined the Facebook group, “Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament”. I have to admit I didn’t know all the details, but it shocked me that parliament could be suspended with so little apparent cause. The more I read, the more I realized what a colossal waste the prorogation has caused. Even in my small steps world, there have been consequences. Due to prorogation, thirty six bills have died. Most were of the “tough on crime” variety. However my attention was caught by Bill C-6, a bill that proposed to create a new system to regulate consumer products that pose a health danger. Y’know, like lead in toys and jewellery? It was on its third reading and Parliament had already spent 37 hours and 42 mins. 37 hours may not sound like much, but multiplied by the 308 members of parliament and you have over a year’s worth of work down the drain. Grrr.
The issue of potentially harmful consumer products has been a bee in my bonnet lately, so my step today will be to write my MP and stress that I want this bill revisited when Parliament is finally in session again. And then write Stephen Harper and tell him I think he’s a turkey. Well, not in those words exactly…
You should link your blog to that facebook group!