Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ready to Eat

Woohoo! It worked. Homegrown sprouts, easy as pie. (Actually much easier than pie) This is a "Spicy Lentil Mix", it's pretty yummy. I'm going to try a crunchy mix and a broccoli mix next. I'm ordering my sprouts from Mumm's, ( a rural Saskatchewan source for organic, non-GMO sprouting seeds and pretty much anything else you'd ever need to grow sprouts. They even sell a little starter kit, but really all you need is:
1 Mason jar
1 square of fine mesh netting (large enough to cover the opening of the jar)
1 elastic band
sprouting seeds

Here's what you do:
1. Wash the jar.
2. At night, put a couple of tsp of sprouting seeds in the jar, cover the opening of the jar with mesh, secure netting with elastic band.
3. Fill with water and soak overnight.
4. In the morning, drain the water, and fill the jar to overflowing for a few seconds to rinse the seeds. Then drain again. Leave the jar on an angle (sit it in a bowl on it's side) to avoid standing water.
5. Repeat this process in the evening and morning for a few days.
6. Eat!


  1. Yum!!
    I love sprouts
    Question.....what is more healthy?
    Organic or local????
    Looking at organic usa apples vs local ontario apples???
    I am torn...
    what do you think?-AM

  2. I also hate to make this choice. I go back and forth. I usually choose the organic, since my kids grab them from the fridge and sometimes don't wash them...but I really don't know. I guess alot of Canadian organic apples are coming from the Okanagan right now anyway, so that's as far as the Washington State ones. But comparing Ontario ones - I think the Ont ones are probably better for the environment but the organic ones are a little better for your body.
    Oh, and let me know if you want some of the sprouts harvest!
